Why Charlotte Mason?
Who was Charlotte Mason?
Charlotte Mason was born in England in 1842. She was a godly woman who loved God and believed that all things were made by Him and through Him; a British educator who was deeply committed and devoted to improving children's education. Charlotte was a champion of the underprivileged and children of the lower class of society. In 1891, she established the House of Education, a training school for governesses and others working with young children. In 1892, Ms. Mason formed the Parents' National Educational Union to help parents educate their children. She wrote many books on education and is best known for a six-volume set on education that is still available and widely read today. Charlotte Mason promoted her vision of "A liberal education for all" until she died in 1923.
Is the Charlotte Mason an outdated approach to education?
No, we do not believe it is outdated. The Charlotte Mason philosophy is an enriching and life-changing education that has been proven through the years and is as relevant today as it was when Charlotte first developed and taught it over a hundred years ago. Her methodology has become the backbone of homeschoolers across the United States and is currently making a resurgence in private schools worldwide.
Isn't Charlotte Mason only for homeschooling?
The homeschooling community worldwide uses Charlotte Mason's philosophy. However, one aspect of Charlotte Mason's philosophy of education is creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, much like a peaceful and secure home. She and childhood development specialists believe a child realizes their most significant learning potential in a home-type environment. Therefore, people often misunderstand or assume that Charlotte Mason was a homeschooling advocate. She was dedicated to a godly, quality education for all children, even those of the lower-class working people of Europe.
Why are you using the Charlotte Mason philosophy?
CCCS aims to develop spiritually mature, academically advanced, and socially developed students. We believe the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy of an atmosphere, discipline, and life provides an education that truly aligns with 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and addresses the student's spirit, soul, and body.
Is Charlotte Mason and a classical education the same?
A classical Christian education is a great educational option for families. We both value classical literature or living books, God's creation, truth and beauty, and His word as the source of knowledge. However, we believe Charlotte Mason's emphasis on "A child as a person" must be first and foremost in the understanding and undertakings of the teacher and that her classroom is not to be teacher-centered, as are some classical Christian school classrooms. In teaching students how to think, Miss Mason advocated that the Holy Spirit is the great educator, not the teacher. Miss Mason believed that educators should not get between the students' spiritual and intellectual education and that the Socratic method should be employed to facilitate wonder and discovery. In this sense, Miss Mason, in her day, was a reformer of classical Christian education.
Can people who homeschool have their children take classes at your school?
The paideia, or culture of the classroom, is of paramount importance for the learning and growth of our students. While homeschoolers are like us in many ways, a student who only participates in the classroom part-time changes the dynamic and natural flow of the school. We aim to build a classroom of students knitted together and committed to participating in every experience in that class to reap and sow essential lessons by being a full member of a family of students.
How do children educated in a Charlotte Mason school assimilate when transferring to a different school?
Children educated in a Charlotte Mason philosophy and then transferred to another educational philosophy usually do well. The Charlotte Mason philosophy develops the student's whole person spiritually, academically, and socially. Students usually assimilate into another environment well. However, most transfer students miss the comfort and safety of the Charlotte Mason classroom atmosphere and learning method.
Can children educated in a Charlotte Mason philosophy get into college?
Yes, top-tier schools typically accept these students. A Charlotte Mason education teaches students to read, write, communicate, and interact with others very comfortably. They express their thoughts both verbally and in written form. Students understand the world and society from a Biblical worldview and perspective.
How are students in your school assessed?
Students must pay attention and put in the effort needed each school day. All students actively participate in the learning process and are called upon to narrate and discuss the readings, observations, activities, or lectures throughout the day. Students validate their knowledge of a subject through written narrations, compositions, drawings, diagrams, maps, charts, etc. This work is kept in student notebooks and copybooks, accessible to the parents at any time. Teachers evaluate the students daily in comprehension, skillfulness, habit development, and relationships. Teachers are looking for individual student growth within the desired course expectations.
Within each discipline, the student is either exceeding expectations, meeting expectations, below expectations, or not progressing, or a variation of one of these determinations. Teachers communicate with parents regarding their child by telephone, email, or scheduled parent/teacher conferences.