Demonstrate a positive attitude toward your child’s school education by showing interest in your child’s work.
Acknowledge that the parent is the primary educator of their child.
Get to know CCCS, its staff, curriculum, programs, and activities by attending parent-teacher conferences and school-parent functions.
Please inform CCCS of your current home, cell, and work phone numbers, home address, work telephone, and emergency contact number within five days of any occurrence.
Understand and support the policies of this handbook and discuss it with your child.
Agree to be a raving fan of CCCS to everyone I encounter in public.
If an issue arises, I agree to first address it with my child’s educator and, if necessary, the administration.
I agree to maintain communication with our child’s educator, including checking assignments, notebooks, and/or folders nightly and contacting the educator with any questions I may have if necessary.
Agree to be responsible for all financial obligations to CCCS.
Agree to provide quiet time and a place for homework nightly.
Agree to pray for our child and CCCS regularly, especially lifting the educator and his/her specific class in earnest prayer.
I agree to hold my child accountable for their behavior. When my child receives correction at CCCS, they will receive correction at home.
Realize that we are about your kids. We have dedicated our lives to nurturing, supporting, loving, and guiding them. It is our purpose, and it is our vow to you.
Let kid business be kid business.
Trust the process.
Realize that rewards are earned and not every child will get one every time.
Be on time for school in the morning and when picking up your child.
Be more focused on your child getting a good education than getting good grades.
Allow our school to push your child.
Keep social media posts positive.
Take ideas to the administration before acting on them.
Show appreciation to the educator and staff often.
Always speak positively about staff members and the school in front of your child. Don’t email, call, or text when you’re angry; instead, practice the Biblical model of confrontation by going directly to the person and/or administration if the situation requires it.
Realize progress isn’t given; it is earned.
Encourage your child not to complain.
Don’t make excuses for your child.
Read your texts from the school thoroughly.
You may contribute no more than 15% of the ideas and work to any of your child’s projects or papers.
Don’t be a helicopter parent. Don’t save your child every time. When they must handle issues, they learn to fight their own battles.
We attend school events and cheer with wild abandon, but we also support and encourage all our competitors.
Never pick up your child early from school unless it’s a doctor’s appointment or other major event.
Trust that your child is getting the very best Christ-centered education possible. We love you and your child and will do our part to ensure their success.
Parent Expectations
As parents help ensure proper attitudes toward the environment desired at Calvary Chapel Christian School (CCCS) by: